Studies have also found that magnesium deficiency is very common in people dealing with alcohol addiction and withdrawal. And supplementing with magnesium diminishes withdrawal complications, reduces the severity of their withdrawal symptoms, and lowers their need for anti-anxiety medication (86, 87). B-vitamins are a good place to start for recovering alcoholics, who may have deficiencies in these cofactors needed to produce neurotransmitters and feel-good hormones. People who live with alcohol use disorder may develop a range of symptoms if they stop drinking suddenly. They may also experience vitamin deficiencies, as alcohol impairs the body’s ability to absorb vitamins and nutrients.
Its onset is gradual, and results from heavy drinking over a long period of time. Most people use a combination of supplements to help stabilize the brain and body while quitting drinking. While there is no single compound that is as effective as multi-nutrient blends, a good place to start is BR Restore, which covers many bases of nutrient repair. There are at least nutrients that have been clinically shown to help people quit drinking and repair their bodies. Which ones are most beneficial for you will depend on your biochemistry. Often there is a process of trial and error to determine the best possible supplement regimens, but luckily there are effective programs that can help.
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The good news is that, over time, you can repair your liver, regulate amino acids and retrain your brain to produce dopamine. In a related article, I share why these are the best vitamins and minerals for alcohol detox as well as some signs of deficiency. Many people suffer needlessly and even relapse because they do not know about the benefits of even the most rudimentary vitamins for alcohol withdrawal.
And there was a 35% reduction in mood disturbance in hospitalized patients after vitamin C treatment (60, 61). When I weened off psychiatric medication, I took large doses of vitamin C every day. By large doses, I mean about 10 grams spread throughout the day.
The Best Detox Vitamins & Minerals for Removing Toxins from Your System
The body is depleted of essential vitamins and nutrients needed for the healing process. In recent years, the word “detox” has come to mean cleansing the body from everyday “toxins” by sticking to a special diet and even avoiding food altogether. But in the true medical sense, detoxification is a process that the body undergoes naturally when removing harmful substances like drugs and alcohol from your system. This is why individuals often experience unpleasant withdrawal symptoms when undergoing a detox. Instead of restricting food, the best thing you can do is give the body what it needs to function.
It interferes with the body’s ability to absorb and store vitamins. People also suffer from malnutrition when they replace healthy food with alcohol’s empty calories. Alcohol use is one of the major causes of vitamins for recovering alcoholics nutritional deficiency in the United States. The most common deficiencies are of the B vitamins (B1, B6, and folic acid). A lack of these nutrients causes anemia and nervous system (neurologic) problems.